Welcome to Seventh Records Ebay shop! Seventh Records is an artist label, launched in November 1986, in order to reissue the MAGMA back catalogue, and to produce the current work of Christian Vander. As our project is also to give other artist in the same stream, the opportunity to express themselves, we have released over 30 albums for musicians of various background, related to Christian Vander?s school of music. In our shop you will find all items available from our catalog including Magma and Christian Vander's solo work, but also all recordings from those related musicians. We are pleased to offer exclusively all productions for Seventh Records, Akt, Ex-Tension, and Greasy Records. The amount of each item sold here goes directly to the label and the artists. All items are brand new and sealed. Your orders will be packed in strong shipping boxes and of course we sell worldwide !

ATTENTION  précommande/Pre-order ONLY Shipped on JUne 16th

Indisponible depuis de nombreux mois dans sa version d’origine, voici enfin réédité le quatrième et légendaire album de Magma en format digipack et remasterisation deluxe augmenté d’une prise inédite du titre phare dans une version live de 32 minutes enregistrée pendant la tournée en Chine de 2015. L’occasion de réécouter, 8 ans après jour pour jour, le groupe entourant la guitare tellurique du très regretté James McGaw.

Cette version bonus de Köhntarkösz, gravée à Pékin, reste un souvenir impérissable…
Je me souviens, après le concert, James nous avait dit :
« C’est le meilleur chorus que j’ai fait sur ce morceau ! »
Les années passant, ce solo habité par un James enragé, au sommet de son art, ne perd rien de son intensité.
Nous nous faisons une joie de le partager avec vous.
De nous vers toi cher James…Christian

Unavailable since months in its original format, here is finally Magma’s fourth and legendary album in digipack remastered deluxe edition including a never before heard track of the head tittle in a 32 minutes live version recorded for the China tour of 2015. Good opportunity to listen, 8 years day by day, to the group surrounding the telluric guitar of the late and much missed James McGaw.

This bonus version of Köhntarkösz, recorded in Beijing, remains an unforgettable memory...
I remember James telling us after the concert:
"This is the best chorus I've ever taken on this tune!"
This was James at the top of his game, possessed by a frenzied energy, and despite the years this solo is as intense as ever.
We are delighted to share it with you.
From us to you dear James…Christian