
Print from steel engraving titled SYRACUSE: Temple de Minerve, published in a volume of L'Univers Pittoresque, Paris, approx. page size 20 x 12 cm, approx. image size 12 x  8.5 cm, nice hand coloring.


Italian Siracusa

city, on the east coast of Sicily, 33 miles (53 km) south of Catania. It was the  chief Greek city of ancient Sicily.

Syracuse was settled about 734 BC by Corinthians led by the aristocrat Archias,  and the city soon dominated the coastal plain and hill country beyond. The  original Greek settlers of the city formed an elite (gamoroi), while the Sicel  natives (Siculi) worked the land as an oppressed class. In the early 5th century  BC, the Syracusans were defeated by Hippocrates of Gela, a city lying to the  west. The power of the gamoroi in Syracuse was subsequently ended by a  democratic revolution, and in exile the gamoroi supported Hippocrates'  successor, Gelon, who captured Syracuse and transferred his government there.  Gelon ruled Syracuse from 485 to 478. His defeat of a great Carthaginian  invasion in 480 at Himera confirmed his supremacy, and, under him and his  brother Hieron, Syracuse attained a high point of power and cultural brilliance.  A revolution in 466 overthrew Hieron's successor as tyrant, Thrasybulus, and  under a democratic constitution the Syracusans survived wars against the  neighbouring city of Acragas and the Siculi, although they had to abandon the  territorial empire that Gelon had acquired. Most importantly, the Syracusans  survived a long siege by the Athenians (415–413) that took place during the  Peloponnesian War, ultimately destroying the Athenian invasion force in Sicily  and weakening Athenian power in Greece itself.

A few years later Sicily faced a Carthaginian resurgence. But Syracuse was saved  from the fate that overtook Acragas and other Sicilian cities by its general,  Dionysius I, who obtained autocratic power in 405 and ruled Syracuse as its  tyrant until 367. Dionysius fought three wars against the Carthaginians,  confining their territorial dominions to the western part of Sicily, and he  extended Syracusan control to most of the “foot” of Italy. Under Dionysius,  Syracuse became the most splendid and the best fortified of all Greek cities.  Its naval power was vastly increased, too, until its fleet was the most powerful  in the Mediterranean. Dionysius' son Dionysius II saw a decade of peace before  his autocracy was challenged by his uncle Dion, who won a brief, bloody civil  war but was himself assassinated in 354. The period of civil war that followed  was ended by the Corinthian Timoleon, who defeated Carthage and reordered  Sicilian affairs (344–336), introducing a moderate oligarchy in Syracuse. In 317  this was overthrown by the adventurer Agathocles, who became tyrant and later  king. He established a Syracusan empire that broke up at his death in 289.

In the ensuing chaotic conditions Sicily was rescued by Pyrrhus of Epirus from  further Carthaginian encroachments, but his mercenaries later seized Messana  (now Messina). Their defeat by Syracuse under a new leader, Hieron II, caused  the intervention of Rome, with whom Hieron came to terms. After Hieron's death  in 215, the Syracusans became allies of Carthage and were besieged by the Romans  in 213. After its fall to the Romans in 211, Syracuse became a provincial  capital.

In AD 280 Syracuse was ravaged by Frankish invaders but soon recovered a  prosperity that lasted until its capture by the Arabs in 878. During the late  Roman and Byzantine periods and under Norman, Swabian, and Spanish rule,  Syracuse shared the vicissitudes of the rest of the island. It was shattered by  an earthquake in 1693 and owes some of its finest architecture to the ensuing  reconstruction efforts. The Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943 during World War  II caused Syracuse some damage that was swiftly repaired in a new and greater  postwar prosperity. The city is now a centre for processing local agricultural  produce and has several other light industries. The harbour, with its commerce  and fishery, and tourism are further sources of income.

Syracuse's nucleus is formed by the southward-projecting island of Ortygia,  which half-encloses the bay known as the Great Harbour. The remains of antiquity  on the continuously inhabited Ortygia are less striking than those in Neapolis,  which was long a country district. Archaeological remains in Neapolis include  the Greek theatre of Hieron II (3rd century BC), a Roman amphitheatre (2nd  century AD), and an altar of Hieron II, pillaged in 1526 to provide building  materials for defensive walls. The nymphaeum (fountain) above the theatre was  one of the ancient city's sources of water. Among the most imposing remains of  ancient Syracuse are the fortifications of the Epipolae Plateau, which culminate  in the Euryalus fort at their western end.

The cathedral on Ortygia, with a fine Baroque facade, incorporates the Doric  columns of the temple of Athena that was built as a thanks offering by the  Syracusans for their victory at Himera. Architectural reliefs in painted  terra-cotta from earlier buildings in this area are preserved in the  archaeological museum. The remains of the Temple of Apollo (c. 565 BC) stand  near the bridge from Ortygia to the mainland; another temple of the same period,  that of Olympian Zeus, lies on the west side of the Great Harbour. The streets  of Ortygia bear witness to the medieval and Renaissance contributions to the  charm of Syracuse. The finest 14th-century facade is that of the Montalto  Palace. The Bellomo and Parisio palaces incorporate elements of the 13th- to  15th-century Gothic styles. Giovanni Vermexio's Municipal Palace (1628) and  Luciano Alì's Beneventano del Bosco Palace (1775) represent the best among many  notable survivals of the 17th- and 18th-century city. Pop. (2006 est.) mun.,  122,972.