***RECENTLY UPDATED*** After several months of collaboration with a fellow AFOL Trekkie we can now bring you the ENTERPRISE-D BRIDGE UCS MOC! This is the best version of the Enterprise-D Bridge anywhere!
The instructions for this amazing set are available on Rebrickable (on that site search for "USS Enterprise D Main Bridge"). The updated TNG-01 sticker set has been made exclusively for the UCS Enterprise Bridge MOC and is not available elsewhere!

For these stickers we studied models of the Bridge (photos, 3D models) and recreated every LCARS screen (Science, Engineering, Conn, Ops, Tactical etc), every decal, plaque, main viewer etc in a professional art package. You also get stickers to recreate the main bridge crew (Picard, Riker, Crusher, Troi, Geordi, Worf, Wesley and Data).
The sticker sheet comes with a guide telling you what each sticker is (where it fits on the bridge) and the required tile sizes. There is also a unique plaque-style display sticker for showing off your set once it's built (fits an 8x16 tile).

These are easily the best stickers for making TNG Bridge MOCs, there isn't another product that even comes close to this version!

We also have several versions of the Main Viewscreen available and a Borg sticker sheet (assimilate your minifigs!). There is a bundle for all four main sticker sheets at a great price!