Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
French Suite N3, BWV814
1. Allemande
2. Courante
3. Sarabande
4. Menuett/Trio
5. Anglaise
6. Gigue
7. Toccata BWV540
8.-11. Pastorale BWV590
12. Sinfonia BWV29/1006a
13. Air BWV1068
Instruments: 13 course baroque lutes by Richard Berg (2004 & 2010),
Martin de Witte (2001) and Philippe Mottet (2011).
Design: Alexander Zhernovsky
Recording: Alex Drozd, Dirk Fischer, Anton Birula
Mastering: Alexey Drozd, Marcin Domzał
Cover photo: Alisa Birula
Text revision: Melissa Chappell
*Special thanks to David van Ooijen for the picture of his beautiful lute bridge
Produced by LUTEDUO | | e-mail: