Gorehouse Greats Collection, 12 horror movies, 3-disc set (DVD, 2009) New Sealed

Disc 1 Side A
”Blood of Dracula’s Castle” 1969 (83 mins, color)
A chilling, blood-curdling tale about a young couple that inherits an old castle but finds it already inhabited by a crusty butler, an obsessed killer and a couple of vampires, who kidnap and sacrifice young girls in order to live on and on.... starring John Carradine, Paula Raymond

 ”Blood Mania” 1970 (80 mins, color)
A nightmare of unspeakable terror, this Gothic-like horror tale is about a young doctor who s haunted by a questionable past and
entrapped in a hopeless present by jealousy, blackmail and finally, murder!

Disc 1 Side B
”Terrified” 1963 (80 mins, B&W)
A college psychology student, intent on writing a term paper on how much terror the human mind can endure, learns his answers
first-hand as he finds himself the target of a mysterious, hooded killer.

”Nightmare In Wax” 1969 (94 mins, color)
A former Hollywood make-up artist becomes the curator of a wax museum, where his wax creations are drawing large crowds to see
the exhibits. Unfortunately, there are some terrible secrets held by this curator behind his wax figures and himself. These secrets
lead to some mysterious disappearances that need some investigating.

Disc 2 Side A 
”The Devil’s Hand” 1962 (71 mins, B&W)
A man is haunted by visions of a beautiful woman and, when visiting a doll shop, comes across a doll that looks just like her. Finding out from the shop owner that the doll is fashioned after a woman in the neighborhood, the man visits her and finds out she's part of a devil-worshipping cult headed by the doll shop keeper. The man is faced with deciding over staying with his ailing fiancé or taking the offer of the mysterious woman and becoming a member of the cult.

”The Madmen of Mandoras” (aka They Saved Hitler’s Brain) 1963 (73 mins, B&W)
Filled with action, this dramatic story is about a group of fanatics on the island of Mandoras who - in their attempts to eliminate all threats to their diabolical plot to conquer the world - kidnap a famous American neurobiologist, triggering a rescue search that blows their plan to bits.

Disc 2 Side B
”Stanley” 1972 (106 mins, color)
Sizzling with suspense and action, this dramatic story is about an embittered Vietnam veteran who retreats from society into the
Florida Everglades and becomes inseparable companions with a pet rattlesnake...a pet he teaches to kill on command!

”Terror” 1978 ((84 mins, color)
A horror-filled study of supernatural forces and their powers, this tense drama is about a strange creature that has sworn revenge for its death on a young British heir and his close friends.

Disc 3 Side A
"Satan’s Slave” 1976 (87 mins, color)
On her way to a relaxing vacation at her uncle s isolated country mansion, a young woman is instead tortured and terrorized by her
uncle and cousin, who - unbeknownst to her - are disciples of Satan!

”Trip With The Teacher” 1975 (89 mins,color)
A chilling experience in terror as a group of female students and their pretty teacher are ambushed, while on a field trip, by a sadistic killer and his brother, forcing the women to learn a lesson in survival.

Disc 3 Side B
”Prime Evil” 1988 (86 mins, color)
Set in present day New York City, this supernatural thriller follows the lives of a sect of monks, which - through human sacrifice for the Devil - has achieved immortality and is still wreaking havoc today.

”Brain Twisters” 1991 (91 minutes, color)
A mad, sci-fi thriller about an experiment in computer-generated mind control that goes out of control...and the body count is

Notes on the video quality:

Mill Creek hasn't done any restorative work here, and they've crammed two movies per side, on both sides of the three discs in this set disc, which results in some compression artifacts on a pretty regular basis. The transfers are all interlaced, which is irritating. Here's a quick rundown on each film:

Blood Of Dracula's Castle: The transfer is in anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen. It's horribly scratched and there is some really nasty print damage during the first few minutes, but the image gets better as the movie goes on. There are scratches throughout as well as screwy color fading issues.
Blood Mania gets an anamorphic 1.85.1, it's fairly clean showing only a little print damage. All in all, it's one of the better looking films in this set and its very watchable.
Terrified! shows up in its original 1.33.1 fullframe aspect ratio, black and white of course. This was taken from an okay looking source and print damage is never overpowering but the darker scenes get a bit murky.
Nightmare In Wax also gets an anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen transfer that is a bit smeary, fairly soft, and heavy with grain and noise.
The Devil's Hand is presented in its original 1.33.1 fullframe aspect ratio, in black and white, and it looks reasonably clean despite some jitter and some murkiness in the shadows that appear in the movie.
Madmen Of Mandoras is also a 1.33.1 fullframe affair, black and white, and it too is quite clean though is shows some jitter and some bad compression artifacts that are particularly noticeable during opening credits.
Stanley is in anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen and for the most part it looks pretty good. There is some color fading but overall this is a fairly clean and stable image.
Terror 's anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen transfer is a bit on the dark side and shows some obvious compression but otherwise clean and okay looking.
Satan's Slave arrives in an anamorphic 2.35.1 widescreen print that shows plenty of print damage but which is at least in its proper aspect ratio. This transfer won't wow you, but it's watchable.
The worst transfer of the bunch is sadly Trip With Teacher which gets a tattered fullframe presentations that's very soft and which suffers from some hefty print damage.
Prime Evil looks okay in its anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen presentation, it's reasonably clean, despite some annoying compression artifacts and some distracting smearing.
Last but not least, Brain Twisters is presented in anamorphic 1.85.1 widescreen. The image is pretty clean, very little print damage, but again, some compression artifacts show up in the darker scenes.

The Audio:

Brain Twisters is presented in Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo while the rest of the films are in Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono. As it is with the video, there hasn't been any serious restoration done here. Expect to hear hiss and pop throughout pretty much each one of the twelve films in the set, and expect some fluctuations in the levels periodically as well. You'll be able to hear and understand everything well enough if you don't mind reaching for the remote to make adjustments now and then, but you can't really say that the movies sound 'good' - rather, most of them are serviceable and a few are rather poor.