Measurement of Bowl:

Diameter: 10 inches

Weight: 2.4 kg approx.

Height: 4.5 Kg.

Bowl come with cushion, leather stick/mallet, felt drumsticks.

Jhumkabati singing bowl is a type of singing bowl which is highly thicker among the singing bowl that have very deep and long sound vibration while playing it. It comes in different size and weight.

The Flower of Life is a sacred geometric pattern consisting of overlapping circles arranged in a symmetrical and intricate design. It is believed to be one of the fundamental geometric patterns that underlie the creation of the universe. The pattern is found in various ancient cultures, including Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Greek civilizations, and holds deep spiritual and metaphysical significance.

The Flower of Life is often regarded as a symbol of harmony, unity, and interconnectedness. It represents the fundamental forms and patterns of creation and is believed to contain the blueprint of all existence. The circles within the pattern symbolize the interconnectedness of all living beings, as well as the interconnectedness of different aspects of life and the universe itself. 

Meaning Behind the Flower of Life and Sacred Geometric Symbol:

Creation and life: The pattern is seen as a symbol of creation and the cycles of life. It represents the birth and growth of all living things and embodies the energy of renewal and regeneration. Sacredness and spirituality: The Flower of Life is considered a sacred symbol and is often associated with spiritual practices and beliefs. It is believed to hold powerful energy and can be used as a tool for meditation, healing, and spiritual growth.

Unity and interconnectedness: The interconnected circles within the pattern signify the unity and interdependence of all things. It reminds us that we are part of a larger whole and that our actions and choices have ripple effects throughout the universe. Harmonic resonance: The intricate geometry of the Flower of Life is said to create harmonic resonance and balance. It is believed that being in the presence of or meditating on the pattern can help align and harmonize one's energy and bring a sense of peace and balance.

Higher consciousness: The Flower of Life is often associated with the expansion of consciousness and spiritual awakening. It is believed to hold sacred knowledge and wisdom, and meditating on the pattern can aid in accessing higher levels of awareness.

Overall, the Flower of Life and sacred geometry hold deep symbolic meaning and offer a framework for understanding the interconnectedness and beauty of the universe. They serve as reminders of our place in the cosmic order and can inspire a sense of awe, reverence, and spiritual exploration.

Benefits of Singing Bowl:

Stress reduction: The soothing tones produced by a singing bowl can help induce a state of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calmness.

Meditation aid: Singing bowls have been used for centuries in meditation practices. The resonant sound helps to focus the mind, deepen concentration, and facilitate a meditative state.

Deep relaxation: The vibrations and harmonics produced by the singing bowl can penetrate deep into the body, promoting a profound sense of relaxation and releasing tension.

Mindfulness enhancement: Singing bowls can serve as a mindfulness tool, helping to anchor attention to the present moment and increase awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

Energy balancing: It is believed that the vibrations and sound frequencies emitted by singing bowls can help balance the body's energy centers, promoting a sense of harmony and well-being.

Chakra alignment: Singing bowls are often used in chakra healing practices. Each bowl is associated with a specific chakra, and the sound vibrations can help balance and align these energy centers.

Pain relief: The resonant sound waves produced by singing bowls can have a therapeutic effect on the body. They can help alleviate physical pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being.

Improved sleep: Using a singing bowl before bedtime can help create a peaceful and relaxing environment, promoting better sleep quality and relieving insomnia or sleep-related difficulties.

Aura cleansing: It is believed that the sound and vibrations of a singing bowl can help cleanse and purify the energy field around the body, removing any negative or stagnant energies.

Spiritual connection: Singing bowls have a long history of use in spiritual and religious practices. They can aid in deepening one's spiritual connection, facilitating introspection, and enhancing a sense of inner peace and spirituality.

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