Measurement of Singing Bowl:

Diameter: 9 Inches

Weight: 1.6 Kg approx.

Height: 4 Inches

Bowl come with cushion/ring, leather stick/mallet, and felt drum sticks.

This bowls was truly handcrafted singing bowl. This handmade Tibetan singing bowls are chosen carefully by sound testing to ensure their healing properties. These exclusive healing masterpieces are carefully made for long lasting and powerful sounds. Bowl was made for master healing, sound therapy, Yoga, Meditation, Sound healing, Reiki healing, chakra balancing, sound bathing, Zen healing, etc. Bowl has very deep sound and vibration with long relaxing sound.

An "Om Mane Padme Om carving singing bowl" would likely be a singing bowl that has been specifically crafted or engraved with the mantra "Om Mane Padme Om" on its surface. This can be seen as a way to infuse the bowl with the energy and intention associated with the mantra.

The mantra itself, "Om Mane Padme Om," is a six-syllable chant that is considered powerful and transformative. It is associated with the embodiment of compassion and is often recited or chanted to invoke the qualities of compassion, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Combining the use of a singing bowl with the repetition or vibration of the mantra can create a meditative and calming effect, helping to focus the mind, promote relaxation, and facilitate a deeper spiritual experience. The sound and vibrations produced by the singing bowl can enhance the overall practice and create a sacred atmosphere.

Secret Behind the Mandala:

Unity and Wholeness: Mandalas often represent a sense of unity and harmony. The circular shape symbolizes the interconnectedness of all things and the idea that everything is part of a greater whole.

Spiritual Journey: Mandalas can serve as a visual representation of a spiritual journey or a path to enlightenment. The concentric circles and intricate patterns can guide individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.

Balance and Harmony: Mandalas are often designed with symmetrical patterns and colors, symbolizing balance and harmony. Creating or contemplating a mandala can help restore a sense of equilibrium and inner peace.

Meditation and Focus: Mandalas are commonly used as objects of meditation. By focusing on the intricate details of a mandala, individuals can quiet their minds, achieve a state of mindfulness, and enhance their concentration.

Healing and Transformation: Mandalas are sometimes used as tools for healing and transformation. Engaging with mandalas through drawing, coloring, or simply observing can promote self-expression, stress reduction, and personal growth.

Sacred Geometry: Mandalas often incorporate geometric shapes and patterns, such as circles, squares, triangles, and spirals. These geometric elements can represent the fundamental structures of the universe and the underlying order of creation.

Benefits of Using Singing Bowl:

Stress reduction: The soothing tones produced by a singing bowl can help induce a state of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calmness.

Meditation aid: Singing bowls have been used for centuries in meditation practices. The resonant sound helps to focus the mind, deepen concentration, and facilitate a meditative state.

Deep relaxation: The vibrations and harmonics produced by the singing bowl can penetrate deep into the body, promoting a profound sense of relaxation and releasing tension.

Mindfulness enhancement: Singing bowls can serve as a mindfulness tool, helping to anchor attention to the present moment and increase awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and sensations.

Energy balancing: It is believed that the vibrations and sound frequencies emitted by singing bowls can help balance the body's energy centers, promoting a sense of harmony and well-being.

Chakra alignment: Singing bowls are often used in chakra healing practices. Each bowl is associated with a specific chakra, and the sound vibrations can help balance and align these energy centers.

Pain relief: The resonant sound waves produced by singing bowls can have a therapeutic effect on the body. They can help alleviate physical pain, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being.

Improved sleep: Using a singing bowl before bedtime can help create a peaceful and relaxing environment, promoting better sleep quality and relieving insomnia or sleep-related difficulties.

Aura cleansing: It is believed that the sound and vibrations of a singing bowl can help cleanse and purify the energy field around the body, removing any negative or stagnant energies.

Spiritual connection: Singing bowls have a long history of use in spiritual and religious practices. They can aid in deepening one's spiritual connection, facilitating introspection, and enhancing a sense of inner peace and spirituality.

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