HIBIS is a women's health solution with the best synergy of selected herbs with a process using modern technology so that women appear confident and make them more active and productive.


Hibis maintains quality, function, and easy to carry anywhere.
Absorbent layer with high absorption.
Relieves menstrual pain problems and relieves discomfort.
It can remove bad odors and maintain freshness.
Helps prevent skin irritation, itching, and antibacterial.
HIBIS Regular Use 5 pouches x 4 pads
HIBIS Heavy Use 5 pouches x 4 pads
Hibis sanitary napkins
Layer 01 : Soft cotton woven so it can
absorbs quickly and keeps the surface dry.
Also equipped with water proof to prevent liquid from penetrating.

Layer 02: Soft cotton that does not contain chemicals,
easily absorb liquids, bacteria, and fungi so they don't infect
organs, and prevent fluid from seeping out.

Layer 03 : Natural SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer).
turns into a gel. It is in the form of porous and hygienic sheets
which serves to absorb and hold the liquid out of the pads.

Layer 04 : The outermost layer made of PU Film (Poly
urethane) which is elastic, porous, hygienic and oxygenated so that
keep the surface of the pads dry when used.
Equipped with a strong special adhesive glue, so
prevent pads from wrinkling and allow women to be free
move while wearing it. This adhesive glue is safe and easy to apply