Siang Pure Red Oil Balm Formula 1 
size 3 cc. X6

Amber water balm concentrated herbal formula With unique scents from Cinnamon Oil (Cinnamon Oil) and Clove-Oil (Clove Oil) harmoniously blended with the main ingredients of various Chinese herbs such as Peppermint Oil. Menthol and camphor
relieve dizziness Fainting like fainting, nasal congestion, colic, abdominal distension, cramps, sprains, bruises, body aches. and treat itching from insect bites

Suitable for: People who like intense herbal scents.

Properties :
- Relieves dizziness
- Relieves body aches and pains
- Relieves itching due to insect bites.

How to use: Apply or inhale when symptoms occur.
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