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Titolo: Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge - Nintendo Wii U
Condizione: Nuovo
Editore: Nintendo
Genere: Video Games
Sottogenere: Legacy Systems, Nintendo Systems, Wii U, Games
Data d'uscita: 18/11/2012
Anno di rilascio: 18/11/2012
Description: The solidary Ninja, Ryu Hayabusa, must find a way to lift the deadly curse on his right arm before it destroys him… NINJA GAIDEN 3 has been reworked to bring to Wii U the truly intense, high-speed challenge and action NINJA GAIDEN fans demand. With more weapon and Ninpo types, a new character progression system, a redesigned battle system and the return of dismemberment, NINJA GAIDEN 3: Razor’s Edge improves upon the original NINJA GAIDEN 3 in every way and offers Wii U exclusive features and functionalities.
Valutazione: M - Mature
Piattaforma: Nintendo Wii U
Title Format: Video Game

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