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Titolo: Lost in Time
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780143334187
ISBN: 9780143334187
Publisher: Puffin Books, India
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 25/01/2022
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: IN
Autore: Namita Gokhale
Genere: Philosophy & Spirituality
Soggetto: History
Description: 'I am the rakshasa Ghatotkacha, born of the Lord Bhimasena and the lady Hidimba. I rule over hill and vale, wood and stream, protecting the spirit of the forest and all who live in it.' Young Chintamani Dev Gupta, on holiday in a bird camp near Lake Sattal, is transported via a wormhole to the days of the Mahabharata. Trapped in time, he meets Ghatotkacha and his mother, the demoness Hidimba. But the gentle giant, a master of illusion and mind-boggling rakshasa technology, wields his strength just as well as he knows the age-old secrets of the forest and the elemental forces. And in his enlightening company, Chintamani finds himself in the thick of the events of the most enduring Indian epic. An intense yet tender look at a rare friendship as well as the abiding puzzles of the past, this is a fascinating read.
Title Format: Paperback
Altezza: 230mm
Lunghezza: 150mm
Larghezza: 10mm
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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