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Titolo: Billiards, Revised and Updated
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Official Rules And Records Book
Autore: R. A. Dyer
Contribuyente: R. A. Dyer (Foreword by), (Edited by)
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1592287441
EAN: 9781592287444
ISBN: 9781592287444
Publisher: The Lyons Press
Genere: Indoor Games & Puzzle Books
Soggetto: Sports & Hobbies
Data di pubblicazione: 01/05/2005
Description: Here in a single, compact handbook are all the rules for the myriad forms of pocket billiards. Billiards: The Official Rules and Records Book is complete with detailed instructions on how to play everything from Basic Pocket Billiards to Cut-Throat, together with the rules for tournament games such as Nine Ball and Rotation, and Snooker and Carom games.These are the official rules of billiards from the Billiard Congress of America, the governing body of professional billiards in the United States.A very helpful chapter for the beginner includes professional tips on basic techniques and strategies. Also included are a glossary of billiard terms and a summary of BCA billiards champions.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 210mm
Lunghezza: 140mm
Larghezza: 13mm
Peso: 16g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2005

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