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Titolo: Under Her Skin
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781645480440
ISBN: 9781645480440
Publisher: Vesuvian Books
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 05/04/2022
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 203mm
Lunghezza: 133mm
Peso: 208g
Ilustración: Marge Simon
Contribuyente: Lindy Ryan (Edited by), Linda D. Addison (Foreword by), Toni Miller (Edited by), Marge Simon (Illustrated by)
Autore: Lindy Ryan
Genere: Poetry & Drama
Description: A showcase of poetry from some of the darkest and most lyrical voices of women in horror.

Under Her Skin features the best in never-before-published dark verse and lyrical prose from the voices of Women in Horror. Centered on the innate relationship between body horror and the female experience, this collection features work from Bram-Stoker Award® winning and nominated authors, as well as dozens of poems from women (cis and trans) and non-binary femmes.

Edited by Lindy Ryan and Toni Miller, Under Her Skin celebrates women in horror from cover to cover. In addition to poems contributed by seventy poets, the collection also features a foreword penned by Science Fiction Poetry Association (SFPA) Grand Master and recipient of the Horror Writers Association Lifetime Achievement Award, Linda D. Addison; interior illustrations by Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association Grand Master and recipient of the Horror Writers Association Lifetime Achievement Award Marge Simon; and cover art by noted horror artist Lynne Hansen.

"Not for the faint of heart...Each word and phrase has been structured in such a way that the reader will experience an intense depth of emotion and feelings." —EGuide Magazine

"...varied themes, approaches, and poetic structures create a diverse series of horror inspections. Under Her Skin is unparalleled in scope, creativity, and literary strength." —Midwest Book Review

Subtítulos: A Women in Horror Poetry Showcase, Vol. I
Serie: Women in Horror Poetry Showcase
Title Format: Paperback
Larghezza: 10mm
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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