All in good condition . 

$2 – The stamp shows a Pump Escape, which was deployed to fight fires and perform rescue operations at medium height in the 1950s. The escape ladder had to be manually operated by four persons. The oldest model of the Pump Escape was replaced by the more advanced Hydraulic Platform in 1976.

$2.60 – The stamp depicts a first-generation Mobile Command Unit, which was in service from 1960 to 1976. On one side of the vehicle was a lift-off canopy, which could form an interdepartmental liaison centre in major or aircraft incidents when opened.

$3.40 – The stamp showcases an ambulance model used by the Department in the 1980s; the fleet was later replaced by Mercedes Benz Sprinters in the 1990s.  Ambulance services have come under the purview of the Department (formerly known as Fire Brigade) since 1953.

$3.70 – The stamp displays a Major Pump, which is designed to supply water to the frontline firefighters at fire scenes. It can draw water from its built-in water tank, a street hydrant or any open water source. The maximum flow rate ranges from 4 000 to 5 300 litres per minute for some models.

$4.90 – The stamp portrays a current model of Mobile Command Unit. The Mobile Command Unit is made up of compartments for radio communication, incident scene surveillance and conference, all designed for remote control by the Mobilising and Communications Group to provide additional support.

$5 – The stamp features an ambulance model currently used by the Department. In normal circumstances, patient compartment could carry five passengers plus one stretcher patient. All ambulances are air-conditioned and fitted with paramedic facilities to provide critical pre-hospital care to patients.