Hello! I have an abundance of salvinia cucullata from some of my freshwater aquariums!

Portion Size: 50+ leaves (Note: One plant/clump portion could have MANY leaves as shown in the picture.) For example, a nickel sized clump can have about 8-10 leaves. I will include at least 2 clumps. 

Shipping Method: I will wrap the plants in damp paper towels and bag them in ziploc bags. I am aiming to only on Monday's. Tuesday's are doable upon request. 

DOA Policy: If you receive your plants in unsatisfactory condition, I will offer a refund MINUS shipping costs ($4.50) if you can send me a picture of the plants within 2 hours of delivery. While the shipping is "free," I still have to pay for it and will actually lose a lot of money if my plants are gone AND I have to pay double in shipping (you & eBay). If your area is below 45 degrees or over 85 degrees, you are buying at your own risk.

Note: My aquarium has snails (ramshorn and common pond/bladder snails) and/or duckweed, but I will remove them to the best of my ability. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. While this is irrelevant, all proceeds will go towards my college loans and I am extremely grateful that you are supporting me! 

Happy fishkeeping! :)