Measurement of Bowl:

Diameter of Bowl: 7 inches

Weight of Bowl: 0.9 Kg approx.

Height of Bowl: 3.5 inches

Bowl comes with cushion, mallet, drum sticks.

Benefits of Full Moon Singing Bowl:

Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Singing bowls produce a calming and soothing sound that helps reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. The vibrations and tones produced by the bowls have a meditative effect, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Singing bowls are often used in mindfulness practices and meditation. The sound and vibrations of the bowls help to focus the mind, enhance concentration, and deepen meditation experiences. They can serve as a point of focus, aiding in achieving a state of mindfulness and inner peace.

Balancing and Harmonizing Energies: It is believed that singing bowls help balance and harmonize the energy centers in the body, known as chakras. The vibrations emitted by the bowls are thought to remove energetic blockages, promoting the free flow of energy and restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

Deep Relaxation and Sleep: Using singing bowls before bedtime or during relaxation practices can promote deep relaxation and improve sleep quality. The soothing sound and vibrations help calm the nervous system, slow down brain waves, and induce a state of relaxation that facilitates restful sleep.

Sound Healing and Resonance Therapy: Singing bowls are used in sound healing practices to promote physical and emotional healing. The vibrations produced by the bowls are believed to resonate with the body's cells and tissues, helping to release tension, promote circulation, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration: The tones and vibrations of singing bowls can help improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity. By creating a peaceful and harmonious environment, the bowls support cognitive functioning, memory, and productivity.

Aids in Mind-Body Integration: Singing bowls are used to facilitate mind-body integration, helping to create a sense of wholeness and connectedness. The vibrations produced by the bowls are thought to promote a deeper connection between the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person, promoting overall well-being.

Emotional Healing and Release: The sound and vibrations of singing bowls can have a profound effect on emotions. They can help release emotional blockages, reduce feelings of anger or sadness, and promote emotional balance and healing.

About Singing Bowl:

Singing Bowls also called the healing bowls, can be traced back to Asia as early as 2000 B.C. they are made of an alloy of seven different metals, connected to seven astrological planets, which create a range of different sounds and overtones. Those seven metals are gold as sun, silver as moon, mercury as mercury, copper as Venus, iron as mars, tin as Jupiter, lead as Saturn. Some singing bowls should consist of only five metals. These bowls format, depth, color, girth and composition are variable.

Singing Bowl can be used as vessels to cook, offering bowls, as beat instruments and for meditation or relaxation. Bowls have a double effect, with sound and vibration.

Science has confirmed that music, as an organized form of sound can directly affect mood, brain waves, the nervous system and the body chemistry. Music plays a key role in the religious and spirituals of many cultures. Music is still pallid to aid digestion, induce sleep and treat mental disturbances.

The vibrations of singing Bowls stimulate the body to recreate its own harmonic frequency and help produce the alpha waves that are present in the brain in deep relaxation singing bowls of all sizes are said to clean the atmosphere around us of negative energy and emotional blockages.

Many people feel that they are touched and cleaned in their soul when they listen to the sound of the singing Bowls. As some people describe it “Time Stands Still" a feeling of peace, relief in aching parts of the body, or contact with something beyond daily life.

It is said that renowned masters of sound aiming Tibetan Lamas have used singing Bowls in secret rituals. They have traveled out of the body through the power of sound. If you find to a real (original) singing bowls, you can use singing bowls instead of a cup of coffee to help you digest lunch, to help you sleep and to help you recover from illness. Tibetan bowls are of Nepalese origin and are used by Newari people during their ritual fire ceremony. There is a link between bowls and the Ayurvedic approach of music therapy and Ayurvedic medical care. In this bowl eating dishes for pregnant women in Nepal. In this context bowls should be used to restore the loss of minerals and metal (Iron).

There are usually five basic techniques for playing the bowls. Beating, Encircling, Adding of Water, Adding of toneless vowels, Spinning.

Origin of Bowls: Mongolian Tagoo, Indian and Chinese Jala Tarang, Kashmir Noot, Indian Ghatam, Himalayan Kitchen Bowls.

Seven Phases: The Seven phases of a complete singing bowls relaxation are a gentle treatment of:-1. the Head, 2. The Arms, 3. The Neck, Face and Throat, 4. The Back, 5. The Abdomen and Chest, 6. The Face, 7. round off or Neck Lift.

 -If any queries about product please feel free to write us! We reply instantly for any Sample Sound Clip/Videos and we accept customize size, design base on customer requirement.

Returns and Shipping:- We ships each of our order within 2-4 business day and update tracking details of standard international shipping service provider, we are happy and return our product and fully refund the payment in case of any defect on our products. Please contact us within 30 days.