
High Quality Pure Mexican Dream Herb/Calea Zacatechichi/Calea Ternifolia Tea-1kg

Amazing Mexican dream herb Tea,

 This plant is highly valued for rituals and for treating several illnesses including anorexia, upset stomach, diabetes, periodic fevers, diarrhea, bile problems, and skin diseases.

amazing Health benefits of Mexican dream herb tea,

1. Mental Improvement-The use of Calea zacatechichi may enhance response and lapse time.
2. Sleep-Calea zacatechichi may lengthen shallow rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, increase the number of awakenings during the night, and aid in dream recall, according to preliminary studies.
3. Mind Relax
4. Stress Relief
5. Lucid Dream
6. Skin Protect
7. Control Sugar Level

So why settle for boring tea?Lets start with dream tea....

happy to deal with you