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Titolo: Crescent
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Homer Hickam
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1595546634
EAN: 9781595546630
ISBN: 9781595546630
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Genere: Children's Books
Soggetto: Fiction, Science Fiction
Data di pubblicazione: 25/04/2013

She was born to kill, born to die.

Crescent is a crowhopper—a genetically modified mercenary programmed for ruthless warfare. When she’s taken prisoner by Crater Trueblood instead of being killed in battle, she thinks it’s a disaster.

Crater is weary of war. He’s a miner, not a soldier. He’d rather be mining Helium-3 than battling the infernal crowhoppers. But after he captures Crescent and brings her to Moontown, he’s surprised how much he enjoys her company. When she’s falsely accused of murder, he becomes an outlaw to help her escape.

The unlikely pair escapes into the “big suck” and wind up trekking with a caravan of mining pioneers toward a lunar ghost town called Endless Dust. To survive, they must do more than navigate the beautiful, desolate moonscape and battle a persistent band of crowhoppers sent to capture or kill them. They must decide what—and who—is truly worth fighting for.

“Expertly blending space opera and hard sci-fi, romance, and even mystery . . . this is fast-paced, packed with intriguing ideas . . .” —Peter Gutierrez, Booklist Review

“Classic Golden Age science fiction high-adventure. It brought back memories of reading Asimov . . . that same sense of wonder. I absolutely loved it.” —Michael Scott, New York Times Best-selling Author, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 213mm
Lunghezza: 139mm
Larghezza: 22mm
Peso: 317g
Serie: Helium-3 Novel
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2013

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