200 Dwarf Caribbean Red SOLO WAIMANALO Carica Papaya Fruit Tree Seeds                                                                 Organic 

Papaya fruit is widely known for its taste, nutrition and health benefits but not many people are aware of the immensely beneficial Papaya seeds, that are usually thrown away. These tiny round seeds are actually edible and are good for our health if consumed in a limited quantity. They help in weight management, relieve menstrual pain and possess anti-cancer properties. They also boost our cardiovascular health and thus are considered as one of the best heart-healthy foods.

Papaya seeds are black and have a shiny, wet and slimy covering. If you remove this covering, you can feel the rough black seeds. They are slightly bitter and peppery in taste. You can consume them by drying and grinding.

Papaya Seeds on leaf

Table of Contents

Nutritional Value of Papaya Seeds:
Health benefits of Papaya seeds are:
Recipes To Add Papaya Seed To Your Diet 
Side Effects of Papaya Seeds:
Dosage of Papaya Seeds:
This might be related & helpful!
Nutritional Value of Papaya Seeds:
100 grams of dried papaya seeds provide around 558 calories of energy. They are rich in proteins, fat and fibre.
They also contain vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.
Papaya seeds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid. They also contain polyphenols and flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants.
Did You Know

Papaya seeds contain 24-30% crude protein, making them a potential alternative protein feed ingredient for poultry. source: fdacs.gov
Papaya seed has been traditionally used in human medicine to improve the immune system. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Papaya seeds have been used traditionally to treat parasites, such as intestinal worms. [source: fdacs.gov]
Papaya seeds may help improve kidney health and prevent the formation of kidney stones. [source: fdacs.gov]
Papaya seeds have been used traditionally to relieve menstrual pain and regulate menstrual cycles. [source: fdacs.gov]
The pros and cons of Papaya seeds

Benefits & Uses Side Effects
Powerful Antioxidant effect Potentially dangerous during pregnancy
Improves gut health It may affect fertility in men
Help in lowering weight and cholesterol It may affect infants who are breastfeeding
Helps in improving heart health May cause an allergic reaction (rare)
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial None
It may help with menstrual pain None
Good for skin None
Can papaya seeds be used for diabetes? Researchers suggest that other than several medicinal uses, the extracts from Papaya seeds might be used for aiding diabetes as it might manage blood sugar levels.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)
Health benefits of Papaya seeds are:
1. Powerful Antioxidant:
Papaya seeds are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins. They are strong antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect the body from damage by free radicals, protecting us from a variety of diseases.

2. Healthy Gut:
Papaya seeds are rich in fibre. They regulate our bowel movements, removing toxins from the body and thus maintaining a healthy gut. They are helpful in constipation.