Author of Anatomy of the Spirit





Does the Path to Mystical Experience Lead to Madness, or Divine Union?

O n Spiritual Madness, Dr. Caroline Myss investigates the path of today's "modem mystics"-those who seek the divine while holding down jobs and caring for their fami lies. She uncovers the roots of mystical experience, both ancient and modern, and reveals an interior trial- or "dark night of the soul"-unique to our age. This deep and rich "madness," teaches Dr. Myss, is an inescapable part of contemporary mystical experience that is also crucial to our spiritual evolution. Join this bestselling

author and authority on spirituality and healing as she reveals: How mystical experience translates into modern life

A way to end spiritual confusion with a simple prayer

How to trust that there is divinity in the chaos around you The true reason we invite God into our lives

Four questions therapists never ask, which are crucial to your spiritual direction

Many self-teaching exercises and practices for daily life Spiritual Madness is a daring excursion to the borderland of mystical experience today, where the inner mysteries of divinity are fully opened - in the outer world of career and family.


is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness, and holds degrees in journalism, theology, and intuition and energy medicine. Her work with Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon, has helped define how stress and emotion contribute to the formation of disease. She lives in Illi- nois and is the co-author, with Dr. Shealy, of The Cre- ation of Health and author of Anatomy of the Spirit (Har mony Books, 1996).

Contents: 2 cassettes in standard plastic cases Running time: 180 minutes

ISBN 1-56455-471-6


o 1997 Carline Mys All rights reserved.

Cover illetration Chenab Diver by Sally Sweetland For information on additional tranformational audiotapes, contact SOUNDS TRUE

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