The iCade is an accessory for the Apple iPad line of devices which functions as a miniaturised, portable arcade cabinet, including a physical joystick and buttons. The iPad is inserted into the iCade and connects to the device using Bluetooth, allowing it to be used as an arcade-style controller for compatible games.

The iCade's input devices include an 8-way ball-top joystick and eight digital buttons. When placed inside the iCade, the iPad is positioned vertically, while a groove behind the inputs accommodates landscape-mode play. On the front of the device is a "coin slot", which lights up to show that the iCade is powered on, and flashes when its batteries are running low.[2] Power can be sourced from either two AA batteries or an AC adapter. It is also possible to run an iPad docking cable through the underside of the iCade, in order to charge the iPad during play.

Internally, the iCade is essentially a Bluetooth keyboard—the joystick and buttons are simply mapped to 24 different standard keys. Since the iPad natively supports Bluetooth keyboards, it is able to receive inputs from the iCade without any requirement for special software beyond games designed to respond to the inputs that the iCade sends. This system also allows other Bluetooth input devices, such as the iControlPad, to use the same protocol in order to control applications designed for iCade.