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Titolo: The Rape of the Vampire - US LIMITED EDITION
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Blu-ray
EAN: 0843501041307
Description: After a psychoanalyst unsuccessfully tries to convince four sisters that they are not 200 year old vampires, the Queen of the Vampires promulgates the cause of the Undead.
Paese di origine: USA
Marca: Powerhouse Films
Regia: Jean Rollin
Attore: Solange Pradel, Bernard Letrou, Jacqueline Sieger
Certificato: MPAA Not Rated
Numero di dischi: 1
Tempo di esecuzione: 1 hour and 35 minutes
Codice regionale: Blu-ray A (AMR, SE ASIA)
Title Format: Blu-ray

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