Tree from Canada, it needs temperate zones and a good drained soil, it does very well in oceanic climates such as Galicia and Asturias. It is filled with flowers from top to bottom, giving an impressive color to the landscapes. The Offer is for 36 seeds of this Species not seen in Spain!! To germinate them, they need to be stratified for 2 months, then soaked for a day to later put them in a seedbed with a sandy substrate in a sheltered place. Irregular germination, it can be from a few weeks to several months.


Tree from Canada, it needs temperate zones and a good drained soil, it does very well in oceanic climates such as Galicia and Asturias. It is filled with flowers from top to bottom, giving an impressive color to the landscapes. The Offer is for 36 seeds of this Species not seen in Spain!! To germinate them, they need to be stratified for 2 months, then soaked for a day to later put them in a seedbed with a sandy substrate in a sheltered place. Irregular germination, it can be from a few weeks to several months. VISIT MY STORE, YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!!!!