Imperial Knights Magnet Kit for Knight Questoris. Magnetise All Weapon Options.

Kit Includes:

1 x 3mm magnet for the rocket/missile pod

1 x 3mm magnet for the Icarus autocannon

1 x 3mm magnet as a base for the meltagun, heavy stubber and multi-laser

1 x 3mm magnet for the meltagun

1 x 3mm magnet for the heavy stubber

1 x 3mm magnet for the multi-laser

1 x 6mm magnet for underneath the carapace as a base for the rocket/missile pod and Icarus Autocannon

3 x 6mm magnets for the rocket/missile pod options

2 x 6mm magnets for the arms

1 x 6mm magnet for the avenger Gatling cannon

2 x 6mm magnets for the battle/thermal cannon housing (top and front)

1 x 6mm magnet for the thermal cannon

1 x 6mm magnet  for the battle cannon

1 x 6mm magnet for the las-impulsor

1 x 6mm magnet for the chainsword

1 x 6mm magnet for the gauntlet

1 x 8mm magnet for the hips (drill out and glue on the top side of the hips)

1 x 12mm magnet for the carapace hip joint (glue inside the carapace at the hip joint)