Severe Trauma SFX Kit 

The trauma and the terror
Whether it's back alley brawls, 15 rounds in the ring with a pro boxer, a spectacular car crash, or just falling down the stairs; bruises, breaks, and blood are the result. Broken noses, black eyes, split lips, cuts, and blisters are just some of the marks of Severe Trauma! This is the cringe-inducing aftermath of so many struggles that demonstrates both the incredible strength and the surprising fragility of the human body. Graftobian's Severe Trauma SFX Kit is here to help you beat your transformation into submission. Stocked with professional quality makeup, this amazing kit delivers shocking effects whether you are getting ready for Hollywood or Halloween. 
Graftobian's kits are specially designed to give you all the elements necessary to create a complete makeup from start to finish. First, apply the modeling wax onto some recently applied Spirit Gum to create cuts, bruises, and breaks. Next, add color from the Severe Trauma wheel. The colors in the creme-based makeup wheel are specially designed to work together to create realistic foundations, highlights, and shadows. Apply them with the included sponge wedges or brush. Finally, set the creme makeup with setting powder. The powder sets the makeup, allowing it to last for hours. Finally, use Blood Gel to add a fresh look to any cuts, gouges, or scrapes.
Graftobian Makeup is all the makeup you will ever need--and our makeup kits prove it, time and again. It's no accident; now is the time to pound out your look of severe trauma!

Severe Trauma SFX Kit Includes:

Makeup items:
