Luwak Arabica Coffee Bean of Le café de Bondowoso serving unique treat of coffee from Indonesia. The coffe production is in Java island, where the luwak's habibats is in the forest or near the coffee plantation. Light roast our luwak bean will produce coffee with soft, smooth taste, low acid taste. The coffee is more friendly for sensitive stomach, which give benefit on rarely inflict nausea even for coffee addict after too much consumption. Luwak is an animal which will consume the coffee cherries, which it choose riped red cherries of coffee, as its food.

Coffee fregmentation is done in Luwak's digestation, the enzim can change the acidity and bitterness. This fragmentation is creating natural biologis and chemical, which proven to enhance the flavor, aroma of the coffee. And then local farmer are extract and collect the bean from the Luwak's belly, all this process is done naturally and no animal is harmed. The Le Cafe de Bondowoso production, we ensure the Luwak's healthy, cleanese of the storage, filter carefully the bean's age for the shipment.

Experience the Grade A bean of the Luwak Arabica Coffee Bean, from le Café de Bondowoso. We have experience in decades to provide coffee beans for 3 generations for local market, and in last years All coffee beans always pass multiple sampling, filtering, even owner inspection to make sure quality beans received by customer. Our products are wellknown for consistent quality, and repeat order happened after first order.

Arabica Coffee Bean of Le café de Bondowoso is using USDA 762 variety abundant today in Java and Sumatra, USDA 762 was introduced to the Indonesian coffee sector in the 1950s as a selected variety from Ethiopia. It was first found in the Mizan Tafari region, not far from where Geisha was originally discovered. The local name is Ijen-Raung Coffee. Our Ijen coffee plants protected by shade plants, this plant functions as a canopy to protect coffee plants. Both from direct light exposure, neutralizing temperature, and air humidity. These shade plants include suren, dadap, cinnamon, pine and eucalyptus.

The traditional processing used by local people to produce coffee beans is one of the main factors that makes Ijen-Raung Javanese Arabica coffee so special. The geographical environment contains volcanic soil, such as andisol with high physical and chemical fertility factors.

This region has cool and dry air, with an average rainfall of 1,514 mm per year, with five to six dry months per year and temperatures varying between 15º and 25º C. High quality coffee is created thanks to the agricultural ecosystem being very suitable for Arabica coffee and the climatic conditions combined with the manufacturer's knowledge.

Type: Coffee Bean / Green Bean
Variety: Luwak Arabica Ijen
Location: : Sukosari Village, Sumberwringin Village Bondowoso Regency, East Java.
  : Downhilll of Ijen Mountain, Elevation 1200 – 1500 above sea level
Processing Type : Full Wash
Flavor : chocolaty, caramelly, brown sugar, little nutty, soft and long lasting after taste
Aroma : spicy with a hint of herb
Acidity:Low / Bright
Grade:A Grade (High Quality)
Defect:1-3 %
Moisture Level:12-13%
Serving suggest : Manual Brew , V60, French Press, Espresso, Mokapot

Batch Sept 2023