Board Game Lofoten Japanese Version


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Lofoten is a two-player game about Viking trade. Players have to load the products on the market into their longships and bring them back to their clan. Each type of product is then scored in a specific way to give the player a point of power. The goal of the player is to become the most powerful Chieftain Yar in the archipelago, gaining more power points than the rival Yar during the final score calculation, no matter what. In the game, players play a card in their turn, but depending on their position in the hand, the card will be placed on the fleet board as a Demand Card, replaced on either side, or moved to meet demand. You can't rearrange the cards in your hand, so you have to decide when and which cards to use. The artwork is also beautiful, and this unique hand management and rotating game board system is also fascinating. Number of players: 2 Duration: 40 minutes Age: 12 years and older Game design: S?bastien Dujardin Illustration / Graphics: Weberson Santiago & Luis Francisco [Set contents] ■Game Content・Level 1 Warehouse Card 8 pieces・Player Aid Card 2 pieces・Coin 8 pieces・Start Player Card 1 piece・Command Card 36 pieces・Market Board 1 piece・Fleet Wheel 2 pieces・Long Ship Tile 8 pieces・Product Tile 32 pieces・Shield Token 2 pieces・Final Score Calculation ■Three Expansion Modules・Level 2 Warehouse Card 8 pieces・Yarl Request Card 7 pieces
[Number of Players] 2 persons

[Target Age]12 years old or older

[Play Time] 40 minutes