Classification: 1/2000 (total length 44.64mm) 1/1250 (total length 71.36mm)

Purchase instructions:

1. The products sold in this store are static models, which are formed in one piece and do not require assembly. They are not children's toys (it is recommended to purchase them over the age of 14)

2. The white model needs to be self colored

3. Please carefully check the product size

Proportions: 1/2400, 1/2000, 1/1250, 1/700, 1/500, 1/400, 1/350, etc. Other ratios can be done and customer service needs to be contacted

Quantity: 1;

Material: resin;

Process: high-precision UV curing 3D printing

Shipping instructions:

Reinforced packaging, no need to worry about transportation damage,

