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Titolo: Curse of the Wendigo
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781606902387
ISBN: 9781606902387
Publisher: Dynamic Forces Inc
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 17/01/2012
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 180mm
Peso: 213g
Autore: Mathieu Missoffe
Lingua: inglese

  • July 1917. The night air is rent by sentries' screams. Everyone thinks it'sa trap laid by the enemy, but soon they hear screams from the German lines. Bothcamps are obliged to declare a truce and send a team of men, French and German,to solve the mystery. With them goes Wohati, a Red-skin, one of the 12,000Indians in the U.S. Army. And probably the only man who knows what's out there,lying in wait...
  • Illustrated by Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead), this is the storyof a strange phenomena to strike the French and German trenches. Their onlychance: to unite, and survive, the Wendigo!

Paese di origine: US
Genere: Graphic Novels
Title Format: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1606902385
Contribuyente: Charlie Adlard (By (artist))
Soggetto: Fiction, Horror
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

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