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Titolo: Tokyo Void
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: Tokyo's urban landscape is full of contradictions: as a densely packed megalopolis it affords thousands of vacant spaces. While creative design practices and informal appropriations activate the urban voids in European and Northern American cities, an understanding of integrating this spatial capital in to the public realm remains largely overlooked in Tokyo. Tokyo Void describes Tokyo's void spaces through their distinct morphology and explores possibilities for rethinking these spaces in creative practice such as space agencies and design interventions. Tokyo Void questions the notion of a finished ideal in the urban landscape and aims to establish an understanding of a continuous and dynamic landscape that could renew the urban discourse with an appreciation of the imperfect and flexible.
Altezza: 220mm
Autore: Marieluise Jonas, Heike Rahmann
Data di pubblicazione: 01/06/2018
EAN: 9783868592726
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Architecture & Antiques
ISBN: 9783868592726
Lingua: inglese
Lunghezza: 165mm
Paese di origine: DE
Subtítulos: Possibilities in Absence
Publisher: JOVIS Verlag
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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