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Titolo: Electric Frankenstein
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781951038366
ISBN: 9781951038366
Publisher: Clover Press
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 24/02/2022
Altezza: 277mm
Lunghezza: 213mm
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: Illustrated Lyrics
Description: Hard Punk Rock band Electric Frankenstein, Yoe Books and Clover Press mash together to bring EF lyrics ALIVE as comics!

Electric Frankenstein asked over 100 artists to create short comics based on the lyrics of their songs. What was born was sometimes beautiful and poetic, but other times just downright disturbing and raw! Judgment will not be passed on what you gravitate towards! All lay between the covers of this book.

Releasing over 100 records all over the world since 1992, Electric Frankenstein is where AC/DC meets The Dead Boys! EF's high energy punk rock and roll combines the raw and energetic sounds of Punk Rock and Garage Punk (Dead Boys, Ramones, Damned, Misfits, Sabbath etc.) with elements of hard rock played by bands like MC5, Stooges, AC/DC, Kiss, Mott the Hoople, Alice Cooper, and so on.

Electric Frankenstein has proved to be highly influential, helping to spark a rock revival among the youth of the time throughout the world from the US to Europe to Scandinavia to Japan, known as the New Rock Revolution.

Paese di origine: US
Genere: Manga
Soggetto: Music Dance & Theatre
Title Format: Paperback
Contribuyente: Mr. Craig Yoe (Edited by), Mr. Johnny Ace (By (artist)), Mr. Peter Bagge (By (artist))
Autore: Mr. Craig Yoe
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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