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Titolo: The Best Women's Travel Writing 2011
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: True Stories from Around the World
EAN: 9781609520120
ISBN: 9781609520120
Publisher: Travelers' Tales, Incorporated
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 26/05/2011
Description: Since publishing A Woman's World in 1995, Travelers' Tales has been the recognized leader in women's travel literature, and with the launch of the annual series The Best Travel Writing in 2004, the obvious next step was an annual collection of the best women's travel writing of the year. This title is the seventh in an annual series--The Best Women's Travel Writing--that presents inspiring and uplifting adventures from women who have traveled to the ends of the earth to discover new places, peoples, and facets of themselves. The common threads are a woman's perspective and compelling storytelling to make the reader laugh, weep, wish she were there, or be glad she wasn't. In The Best Women's Travel Writing 2011, readers Have lunch with a mobster in Japan and drinks with an IRA member in Ireland Learn the secrets of flamenco in Spain and the magic of samba in Brazil Deliver a trophy for best testicles in a small town in rural Serbia Fall in love while riding a camel through the Syrian Desert Ski a first descent of over 5,000 feet in Northern India Discover the joy of getting naked in South Korea Leave it all behind to slop pigs on a farm in Ecuador...and much more.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 203mm
Lunghezza: 130mm
Peso: 382g
Contribuyente: Lavinia Spalding (Edited by)
Autore: Lavinia Spalding
Genere: Travel & Transport
Serie: Best Women's Travel Writing
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011

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