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Titolo: Outside Todo el Da
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Nature in English y Espaol
EAN: 9781595348302
ISBN: 9781595348302
Edizione: Bilingual edition
Publisher: Trinity University Press,U.S.
Formato: Libro di cartone
Data di pubblicazione: 19/10/2017
Description: ArteKids board books show children the world of art through imaginative paintings, sculpture, photographs, and drawings, with text in English and Spanish.

Outside Todo el Día! Nature in English y Español introduces children to the wonders of nature by connecting them to art in a unique, fun, and colorful way. Terms for outdoor concepts like sky/cielo, water/aqua, mountain/montaña, flora (tree/árbol and flower/flor), and fauna are represented by masterful artworks from around the world. The contrast of night (noche) and day (día) are shown through Latin American needlework and an Ansel Adams photograph. The seasons (primavera, verano, otoño, invierno) are expressed in bluebonnets by Julian Onderdonk, a beach scene by Pablo Camus, and the cottonwoods of Joseph Henry Sharp. Madeleine Budnick’s wonderful collages and designs weave together phrases and images that bring the wind, sun, and oceans to life. Work from the collections of the San Antonio Museum of Art, by masters like Alfred Thompson Bricher, Alma Nungarrayi Granites, Betty Carrington, Winslow Homer, Nicolino Calyo, Martin Johnson Heade, Armand Guillaumin, Ernest Lawson, and Lori LeJeune, is incorporated with phrases and words in English and Spanish, making bilingual learning and art exciting for young learners and their teachers and parents.

The ArteKids bilingual board books are made sturdy for little hands and “awesomundo” for bright minds! The series also includes Vamos, Body!, Hello, Círculos!, 1, 2, 3, Sí!, Animal Amigos!, Colores Everywhere!, and Black and Blanco! Outside Todo el Día! Nature in English y Español! invites children to explore the world outside through language and imagery that ignites their imagination.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 177mm
Lunghezza: 177mm
Autore: Madeleine Budnick
Contribuyente: San Antonio Museum of Art (Cover design or artwork by)
Genere: Children's Learning & Education
Serie: ArteKids
Title Format: Board Book
Tipo: Textbook
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

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