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Titolo: Alechinsky
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: Legendary Belgian artist Pierre Alechinsky (born 1927), originally trained in printing and etching, is best known for his work as a painter, associated with European Tachisme and the Cobra group.Pierre Alechinsky: Marginalia highlights an aspect of the artist's work that is perhaps less familiar: his long-standing interest in the illustrated book. This fascination has fed Alechinsky's collaborative projects with writers and his incorporation of 'marginal remarks' into his own monumental paintings over many years. Maintaining a deep engagement with the written word in literary and painting contexts, Alechinsky has worked with writers such as André Breton, Eugene Ionesco, Christian Dotremont, Roger Caillois, Hélène Cixous, Joyce Mansour, Michel Butor, Hugo Claus, E.M. Cioran, Marcel Moreau, Pierre-Andre Benoit and Roland Topor. Pierre Alechinsky: Marginalia presents Alechinsky in three characteristic modes - as reader, illustrator and artist.Text in English and French.
Altezza: 280mm
Autore: Patrice Deparpe
Data di pubblicazione: 09/01/2019
EAN: 9788836634163
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Arts & Photography
ISBN: 9788836634163
Lingua: francese
Lunghezza: 240mm
Paese di origine: IT
Subtítulos: Marginalia: Plume et pinceau
Publisher: Silvana
Anno di pubblicazione: 2019

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