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Titolo: All Over Creation
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: A Novel
Autore: Ruth Ozeki
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0142003891
EAN: 9780142003893
ISBN: 9780142003893
Publisher: Penguin USA
Genere: Fiction
Data di pubblicazione: 30/03/2004
Description: A warm and witty saga about agribusiness, environmental activism, and community—from the celebrated author of The Book of Form and Emptiness and A Tale for the Time Being

Yumi Fuller hasn’t set foot in her hometown of Liberty Falls, Idaho—heart of the potato-farming industry—since she ran away at age fifteen. Twenty-five years later, the prodigal daughter returns to confront her dying parents, her best friend, and her conflicted past, and finds herself caught up in an altogether new drama. The post-millennial farming community has been invaded by Agribusiness forces at war with a posse of activists, the Seeds of Resistance, who travel the country in a camping car, “The Spudnick,” biofueled by pilfered McDonald’s french-fry oil. Following her widely hailed, award-winning debut novel, My Year of Meats, Ruth Ozeki returns here to deliver a quirky cast of characters and a wickedly humorous appreciation of the foibles of corporate life, globalization, political resistance, youth culture, and aging baby boomers. All Over Creation tells a celebratory tale of the beauty of seeds, roots, and growth—and the capacity for renewal that resides within us all.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 201mm
Lunghezza: 133mm
Larghezza: 24mm
Peso: 346g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2004

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