Dear buyer, your attention is presented "Courage to be_Ua" commemorative coin of the NBU

On the occasion of the Day of Military Intelligence of Ukraine, on September 5, 2023, the National Bank put into circulation a commemorative coin "Military Intelligence of Ukraine". This coin is dedicated to the heroic intelligence soldiers who reliably defend the national interests of our state.

The new commemorative coin was presented by the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Andriy Pishnyi and the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Kyrylo Budanov.

"Military intelligence is a high-tech and highly intelligent component of the security and defense forces of Ukraine. Being a scout is not only a vocation, but also a daily, conscious and difficult choice. Belonging to the military intelligence of Ukraine is an honor and a responsibility," said Andriy Pishniy. "Successes and achievements of scouts" are usually not widely known, but the time will come and the Ukrainian people will definitely learn the unknown names of modern Heroes. We cannot now thank all intelligence officers by name, but we can honor the honor of military intelligence. So, as a sign of respect and gratitude to Ukrainian intelligence officers, the National Bank of Ukraine today introduces put into circulation the commemorative coin "Military Intelligence of Ukraine". This coin is dedicated to the true invincibility and strength of spirit of our Heroes."

He emphasized that the commemorative coin "Military Intelligence of Ukraine" perpetuates the professionalism and valor of Ukrainian intelligence officers who give a worthy rebuff to the Kremlin occupiers, together with other units of the defense forces, gradually liberate temporarily captured territories on all areas of the front and bring our common Victory closer.

"I am convinced that this unique coin will be a good commemorative sign of our victorious struggle against the occupiers and will adorn the most sophisticated collections of numismatists. The greatest value of the coin is that it is issued during a full-scale invasion, which symbolizes the dominance of fighting spirit over danger," he said. Major General Kyrylo Budanov.

On the obverse of the new commemorative coin, the emblem of the Main Directorate of Intelligence is placed in the center on a matte background. On the reverse, there are inscriptions in a circle: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE OF UKRAINE and the slogan of military intelligence in Latin SAPIENS DOMINABITUR ASTRIS ("The wise will rule over the stars"); in the center - on the background of the surface of the globe, the image of an owl piercing the outlines of the territory of the aggressor country with a sword (the trident is depicted on the edge of the sword - the small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine).

For reference

The commemorative coin "Military Intelligence of Ukraine" has a face value of 5 hryvnias, it is made of nickel silver, the minting quality category is "special uncirculated", weight - 16.5 g, diameter - 35.0 mm. Circulation - up to 75,000 pieces. The band of the coin is grooved.

Coin design - Tatiana Baluta; sculptor - Volodymyr Demyanenko.