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Titolo: BBC Sports Report
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: A Celebration of the World's Longest-Running Sports Radio Programme: Shortlisted for the Sunday Times Sports Book Awards 2023
ISBN-10: 1472994213
EAN: 9781472994219
ISBN: 9781472994219
Publisher: Bloomsbury Sport
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 28/09/2023
Description: SHORTLISTED FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 2023 - SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT BOOK OF THE YEARSports Report is as much a 75-year history of sport as a BBC radio institution and Pat Murphy pays handsome tribute to a programme that is still followed affectionately by millions.For nearly 75 years, one BBC programme has been a constant factor in chronicling the way sport is covered, in all its many facets. It has been a window on the sporting world all over the globe – packed tightly into every Saturday evening for the bulk of the year. First broadcast in 1948, Sports Report is the longest-running radio sporting programme in the world and one of the BBC’s hardy perennials. Pat Murphy has been a reporter on the programme since 1981 and here he sifts comprehensively through the experiences of his contemporaries and those who made their mark on Sports Report in earlier decades.He hears from commentators, reporters, producers, presenters and the production teams who regularly achieved the broadcasting miracle of getting a live programme on air, without a script, adapting as the hour of news, reaction and comment unfolded. Drawing on unique access from the BBC Archives Unit, he highlights memorable moments from Sports Report, details the challenges faced in getting live interviews on air from draughty, noisy dressing-room areas and celebrates the feat of just a small production team in the studio who, somehow, get the show up and running every Saturday, with the clock ticking implacably on.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 129mm
Autore: Pat Murphy
Genere: Films & TV
Soggetto: Society & Culture, Home Garden & Pets, Sports & Hobbies
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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