Stirrup Style Super Shirt Stay Garters 

We understand that having a neat, well tucked uniform is an important part of gaining respect.  In the Law Enforcement and Military community commanding respect can be a matter of life and death.  Whether you are in hot pursuit, subduing a suspect, or managing crowd control, the last thing you should have to worry about is where your shirt tails are.

Wesol Distribution Super Shirt Stays are a Patented design for a superior fit.

The Wesol Distribution Super Shirt Stay is made of an elastic material that is durable and flexible, able to move smoothly with any regular or exaggerated motions.  

Super Shirt Stays have a twist in the foot to allow the stirrup to lay flat against the leg. 

Each stirrup is labeled Left or Right as the twist is unique to that side. 

Super Shirt Stay Garters are made with a No-Slip Clip, guaranteed not to come off. When the other shirt stays fail with the standard button clips, the No-slip Clip will not let you down. 

All Wesol Distribution Shirt Stays are made in America by Americans.