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Titolo: Vampire the Masquerade Coteries and Shadows of New York Collectors Edition (PlayStation 4)
Condizione: Nuovo
Editore: Funstock
Genere: PlayStation 4
Sottogenere: Games
Data d'uscita: 18/06/2000
Anno di rilascio: 18/06/2000
Description: Key Features- Two Independent Adventures: Based on the rich universe of the 5th Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade. Coteries of New York: Choose a character from three different clans and take your first steps as a vampire in a city about to explode. Shadows of New York: Investigate the death of the leader of the New York Anarchists, while you play a member of the Lasombra clan. Your decisions will trigger dramatic plot twists: Create alliances with other vampires or earn your enmity,preserve your humanity, or give in to your bloodlust.
Lingua: francese
Paese di fabbricazione: Austria
Valutazione: PEGI 16
Piattaforma: Sony Playstation 4
Title Format: Video Game

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