The Gateway Experience Waves I-VIII Hemi-Sync 25 CDs COMPLETE ALBUM

25-Waves Audio CDs:

Wave I - Discovery:
CD1 - 1 - Orientation
CD1 - 2 - Introduction to Focus 10

CD2 - 3 - Advanced Focus 10
CD2 - 4 - Release and Recharge

CD3 - 5 - Exploration, Sleep
CD3 - 6 - Free Flow 10

Wave II - Threshold:
CD1 - 1 - Introduction to Focus 12
CD1 - 2 - Problem Solving

CD2 - 3 - One-Month Patterning
CD2 - 4 - Color Breathing

CD3 - 5 - Energy Bar Tool
CD3 - 6 - Living Body Map

Wave III - Freedom:
CD1 - 1 - Lift Off
CD1 - 2 - Remote Viewing

CD2 - 3 - Vectors
CD2 - 4 - Five Questions

CD3 - 5 - Energy Food
CD3 - 6 - First Stage Separation

Wave IV - Adventure:
CD1 - 1 - One Year Patterning
CD1 - 2 - Five Messages

CD2 - 3 - Free Flow 12
CD2 - 4 - NVC I

CD3 - 5 - NVC II
CD3 - 6 - Compound

Wave V - Exploring:
CD1 - 1 - Mission 10
CD1 - 2 - Mission 12

CD2 - 3 - Mission Day
CD2 - 4 - Mission Night

CD3 - 5 - Horizons
CD3 - 6 - Pathways

Wave VI - Odyssey:
CD1 - 1 - Sensing Locale 1
CD1 - 2 - Expansion in Locale 1

CD2 - 3 - Point of Departure
CD2 - 4 - Nonphysical friends

CD3 - 5 - Movement to Locale 2
CD3 - 6 - Free Flow Journey in Focus 21

Wave VII - Voyager:
CD1 - 1 - Explore Total Self
CD1 - 2 - Voyager Messages From Beyond

CD2 - 3 - Intro to Focus 23
CD2 - 4 - Intro to Focus 25

CD3 - 5 - Intro to Focus 27
CD3 - 6 - Voyager Retrieval

Wave VIII - Union:
CD1 - 1 - Special Tour
CD1 - 2 - Meeting with the Entry Director

CD2 - 3 - Educational Opportunities
CD2 - 4 - Healing and Regeneration

CD3 - 5 - Planning Center
CD3 - 6 - Coordination Area

CD4 - 7 - Inner Earth
CD4 - 8 - The Absolute

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No Scratches. Work perfectly. 
Comes in original package as you see in the photos with booklets too. 
They are New.
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