Life Extension AMPK Metabolic Formula (30 tablets) is perfect if you want to fight unwanted belly fat.

The active ingredients Gynostemma pentaphyllum and the citrus flavonoid hesperidin in AMPK Metabolic Formula are involved in the activation of the AMPK enzyme, which is associated with the reduction of unwanted belly fat, by specifically targeting this type of fat for cellular energy production.

This may be due to the increased levels of the AMPK enzyme possibly instructing the body to stop storing belly fat and instead use it to produce ATP, the primary energy source for cells.

Why Life Extension AMPK Metabolic Formula (30 tablets)?

It may seem that all body fat is the same, but certain types of body fat may actually cause more health problems than others. Abdominal fat is often considered one of the most problematic types of fat.

Belly fat can potentially affect several natural aging processes in the body. This may be due to the fact that