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Titolo: System Safety
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Challenges and Pitfalls of Intervention
EAN: 9780080440712
ISBN: 9780080440712
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 16/08/2002
Description: Safety science is now well advanced in analysing risks and safety problems, but what appears to be missing is a better understanding of the methods and strategies which could help to close the gap between analysis and corrective action. Even in organizations such as nuclear plants where thorough and frequent analyses of safety-critical events occur and comprehensive reports are submitted to regulators or super-ordinate utility safety departments, these reports get filed away in a kind of data bank that resembles genuine event report cemeteries. Learning reaches a dead end here. The articles gathered in this collection address safety-oriented systems interventions and the various ways in which experience can be transferred and corrective measures applied to situations that warrant such attention.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 225mm
Lunghezza: 150mm
Larghezza: 17mm
Peso: 572g
Autore: Babette Fahlbruch
Contribuyente: Bernhard Wilpert (Edited by)
Genere: Business & Finance
Soggetto: Technology & Engineering
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2002

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