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Desihn of Olive Press  - Herculaneum

                Piroli 1804 Copper Plate Engraving

An Original Historical Print from HistoryOnPaper

(Below is a rough translation from the French of the engraving's description.)


Cato the Censor, in his book Re rusticâ, gives the description of an olive mill or press, which is found very exactly in Stabie's machine. To make this curious connection more perceptible, we reproduce in plate XLVIII, Cato's machine; we followed the construction that he prescribed in chapters 20, 21 and 22, and according to the dimensions of the smallest press.

Fig. 1 shows the entire machine, taken externally, that is to say the tank, called by Cato trapetum, and more particularly mortarium. In the middle we see the cylinder (miliarium), which rises above the edges of the tank. On the cylinder, is the bar (cupa) pierced in the middle of a hole where there is an iron tube (fistula ferrea), through which the pivot (columella ferrea) passes. On the two opposite sides of the core, are the two millstones (orbs) which are fixed in their place by iron pegs (clavi) - finally, in the core which is between the wheels, are two holes (foramina dextera sinistraque). Outside of these holes, these small plates are nailed which Cato calls sublaminas pollulas et minutas, and which aim to prevent the holes from getting bigger when the small bars (cupæ minusculæ), represented in fig. 2, where the machine is drawn above. In figs. 3 and 4, we have one of the wheels from the front and in profile: we notice the hole for the passage of the axis (foramen orbis), which narrows towards the flat side. Cato does not speak of this particularity which we restore according to Stabie's machine, and which must have existed, so that the hub (modiolus) remained firm in its box. This difference is made noticeable in fig. 5, which shows the section of the whole machine: we see in the middle the cylinder, having in the center the iron pivot, and the hub taken lengthwise and drawn under different aspects, fig. 7, 8 and 9. Finally, fig. 6 represents the bar seen in place in figs. 1 and 2; we made the core square, because it is such in Stabie's machine, and it also seems not to have to be otherwise. The underside is lined with an iron plate (tabula ferrea). The part of the bar which enters the hubs is covered with four curved plates (imbrices ferrei), nailed with small nails (clavuli); at the end of these plates, is an iron (ferrum librarium), which embraces the bar, and in which is a hole to insert the pin which holds the wheels, as we see in fig. 1. Between the nail and the wheel, between the latter and the square part of the bar, are iron washers (armillæ ferreæ), which we have tried to indicate in figs. 1 and 2.

Read Historical Note Below.


Type of Print       Lithograph - Wood Engraving - Steel Engraving - Copper Engraving - Photogravure
Printing Year      1804
Artist - Engraver - Publisher      Piroli- Piroli or Leblanc -  P. Piranesi      Printed in Paris
Print Size (Approx)     8  inches  X  11  inches             IMAGE(S) BELOW MAY BE ENLARGED  TO SHOW DETAIL
Paper weight/type     Thin - Medium - Heavy - Other
Reverse side     Blank - Related text/pictures -  Unrelated text/pictures 
Condition      Excellent - Very Good - Good - Fair - Poor (but of historical interest)  
Description    Some expected age & foxing;  a great print with only minor surface faults and handling wear;       Please inspect image

This Is An Original Print from History-On-Paper

HISTORICAL INFORMATION:  This copper plate print (engraving) is from Tommaso

Piroli's (Italian engraver, 1752-1824)  Antiquités d'Herculanum gravées par Th. Piroli avec

une explication par S-Ph Caude, 1804-1806, Paris, F et P Piranesi, T.


Herculaneum was an ancient Roman town, located in the modern-day comune of Ercolano, Campania, Italy. Herculaneum was buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Like the nearby city of Pompeii, Herculaneum is famous as one of the few ancient cities to be preserved nearly intact, as the ash that blanketed the town protected it against looting and the elements. Although less known than Pompeii today, it was the first and, for a long time, the only discovered Vesuvian city (in 1709). Pompeii was revealed in 1748 and identified in 1763. Unlike Pompeii, the mainly pyroclastic material that covered Herculaneum carbonized and preserved more wooden objects such as roofs, beds, and doors, as well as other organic-based materials such as food and papyrus.


Volumes 1 - 3 of this classic work on Herculaneum contained plates of art work (pictures) found at the site.

Volume 4 contained engravings of discovered Busts and Reliefs that were created in bronze.  

Volume 5 was of statues found.

Volume 6  contained 50 engravings by Piroli of ancient lamps found in the excavations. 

Herculaneum; a town in Italy which was destroyed along with Pompeii by Mt Vesuvious’ eruption in 79ce. Damaged by an earthquake in A.D. 63, it was completely buried, along with Pompeii Pompeii, ancient city of S Italy, a port near Naples and at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in A.D. 79. Before the earthquake, it was a popular Roman resort and residential town with fine villas. The first discovery of ruins was made in 1709, and excavations have continued since. Important early finds were the sumptuous so-called Villa of the Papyri (with a large library, and bronze and marble statues), a basilica with fine murals, and a theater. The modern towns of Resina and Portici are on the site.

CONDITION:    Please INSPECT PHOTO. May be Enlarged for viewing.

Please inquire if you have a question.

This is an original print, not a reproduction.  



The Fine Print

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Item #1023-1519