This is the listing for a profound 5 card tarot reading spread. If you are experiencing:

- is he/she thinking about me
- does he/she love me
- why is he/she with another partner
- will he marry me
- why am I single etc.

You will send me a message with your question and you will let me know if you would like to receive your reading through an eBay message or an email. You can also choose if you want to receive this reading in Spanish language. 

After that, you will receive a photo of a spread and an insightful report about your reading with an explanation of the cards, their meaning and the answer to your question. You can see in the galery how does the reading look like.


🌟 About Me 🌟

I'm Angelica, and I've been exploring the profound world of tarot for over 15 years. My journey with the cards has been an incredibly transformative and enlightening one, and I'm here to share my insights and intuition with you. Tarot isn't just a skill for me; it's a deep passion and a calling.

🔮 What Sets Me Apart 🔮

Authentic Connection: I believe in the power of tarot to unveil the truths of our lives, and I approach every reading with sincerity and care. I respect that each person's path is unique, and my readings reflect this understanding.

Intuitive Insights: Beyond the cards themselves, I rely on my own intuitive gifts to offer you a holistic view of your situation. I'm not just reading cards; I'm tapping into a deeper well of insight to help you find the answers you seek.

Compassion and Empathy: Your feelings and concerns are safe with me. I create a nurturing space for you to explore your thoughts, providing comfort and guidance through the cards.

Tarot Proficiency: With extensive knowledge of tarot symbolism and interpretation, I can guide you through intricate readings with ease. Whether you're a seasoned tarot enthusiast or a newcomer, I adapt my approach to your unique needs.

Practical Wisdom: My readings are not confined to the mystical world; I offer practical advice and actionable steps to help you address challenges or seize opportunities that the tarot unveils.

🌙 Services I Offer 🌙

I provide a range of tarot reading services, including:

General Life Readings: Gain insights into your past, present, and future, helping you make informed decisions and find your true path.
Love and Relationships: Explore the complexities of your love life, whether you're searching for love, recovering from heartbreak, or aiming to strengthen your current relationship.
Career and Finances: Receive guidance on career choices, financial decisions, and business ventures.
Spiritual Guidance: Connect with your inner self and navigate your spiritual journey.
Customized Readings: Tailored readings for specific questions or concerns.

🌟 Book a Reading with Me 🌟

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, insight, and personal growth with me by your side. You can book a reading with me in person or online, ensuring accessibility no matter where you are in the world.

Please remember that while I'm dedicated to providing authentic tarot readings, they are meant for personal insight and entertainment. They should not replace professional advice in critical areas of your life. Your destiny is in your hands, and I'm here to help you navigate the path ahead.

Contact me today to experience the profound wisdom of tarot and discover a brighter, more enlightened future. Your destiny is just a reading away. 🌌🌠

🔮 Disclaimer 🔮

While I am dedicated to providing insightful and compassionate tarot readings, it's important to keep in mind the following:

For Entertainment Purposes: Tarot readings are intended for entertainment and personal insight. They should not be considered a substitute for professional advice in areas such as medical, legal, financial, or mental health matters.

Free Will and Responsibility: Tarot readings reflect potential paths and energies, but the future is not fixed. You have the power of choice and can change your path through your actions and decisions.

Personal Interpretation: The interpretation of tarot cards can be subjective, and your own intuition and feelings play a significant role in the reading. The insights provided by me are based on her interpretation and your unique circumstances.

Confidentiality: Your privacy and the confidentiality of your reading are respected. I will not disclose any information shared during the reading without your consent.

Legal and Ethical Boundaries: I adhere to ethical guidelines in my practice and will not engage in readings related to harmful or illegal activities.

By booking a tarot reading with me, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and understand that the guidance provided is not a guarantee of specific outcomes. It is ultimately your responsibility to make decisions based on your personal judgment and circumstances.