Hello! I dismantled one of my fish tanks because it was growing out of control and one of the most prolific plants was my flame moss! 

Portion Size: Golfball 

Shipping Method: I will wrap the plants in damp paper towels and bag them in ziploc bags. I am aiming to only ship on Monday's so please try to get your orders placed by Sunday evening if possible. 

DOA Policy: If you receive your plants in unsatisfactory condition, I will offer a refund MINUS the cost it took to ship the item to your location (~$4.50 depending on your location) if you can send me a picture within 3 hours of delivery. While the shipping is "free," I still have to pay for it and will actually lose a lot of money if my plants are gone AND I have to pay double in shipping (you & eBay). 

Note: My aquarium has snails (ramshorn and common pond/bladder snails. It may contain duckweed. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. While this is irrelevant, all proceeds will go towards my college loans and I am extremely grateful that you are supporting me! 

Happy fishkeeping! :)