20x Anna Russian Tomato Heirloom Seeds

Anna Russia Tomato Heirloom seeds produces high harvests of heart-shaped, pinkish red tomatoes, weighing up to 500g, develop in clusters of two or three. 

Growing instructions:

Sow seeds from February to April in a 0.5cm deep hole and within each hole plant two seeds. Sprinkle some fine compost on top, then press it down. The seedlings should start to germinate within 7 to 14 days if the trays are stored in a warm environment. When your seedlings are between 10 and 15 cm tall, you can transfer them. Harvest from July through to October.

We have a large range of vegetable & flower seeds in stock and we offer a 20% discount if you purchase 4 or more seeds (can be the same or different seed varieties) in one order which is automatically applied during checkout.