About Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea has been a staple of the Japanese and Chinese lifestyles for centuries. It first originated in the 10th century, and it became very popular in Japanese tea ceremonies not long after that.

It is made from the leaf of the Tencha tea plant. The finest buds are handpicked, harvest and rolled out to dry, and then each leaf is de-stemmed, de-veined and stone ground into a fine powder. This powder can then be mixed into water, milk and other hot beverages, resulting in a thick, dark green liquid with a sweet, yet rich flavor.

The process of preparing matcha can take up to several weeks, as the tea plants must be shaded and covered to prevent sun exposure, and harvesters must take care to lay the leaves out flat before drying, otherwise they will crumble.

Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

There’s a reason matcha green tea has been in use for centuries: It has some pretty amazing benefits. It can improve health, alleviate pain and illness and serve as a way to relax and calm the nerves, among many other things.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy from regularly drinking matcha green tea:

It can fight off free radicals and cell damage – Matcha is extremely high in anti oxidants, which are nutrients that protect the body’s cells, prevent damage and fight off harmful free radicals. Just one bowl of matcha tea can provide five times as many anti oxidants as other foods – including green veggies!It can relax you – Match green tea has been used for thousands of years by Buddhist monks during meditation. It contains a specific amino acid that actually promotes alpha waves in the brain. These waves promote relaxation, without making you drowsy or tired.It can improve skin –The high anti oxidants in matcha can also improve skin tone and make you look younger and more healthful. This is partially due to their ability to fight off signs of aging.It burns calories – If you’re looking to lose weight, this one’s a biggie: Matcha can actually help you burn more calories. In fact, it can help you burn them about four times faster than average! It can also boost your metabolism, and it’s been shown to increase fat oxidation by a whopping 17 percent.It can boost your immune system – Match has antibiotic properties, and it’s chock full of nutrients, including potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium and more. These can improve your immune system and help you better fight off bacteria and infection.It can improve cognitive function – Thanks to the high content of L-theananine (an amino acid), matcha also helps your body produce more dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals help to boost your memory, improve focus and more. They can even better your mood and disposition!It can increase energy – Green tea contains caffeine, which can give you a small energy boost once consumed – up to 6 hours in fact! And since this caffeine is combined with many nutrients and amino acids, it doesn’t produce the same jitteriness that other forms of caffeine. It’s just a natural, calm boost that people have used for centuries.It can lower cholesterol levels – Studies have shown that matcha green tea actually has a positive effect on cholesterol, too. In fact, men who rink it are statistically about 11 percent less likely to develop heart disease than those who don’t.It can detox your body – Match is also a great deto xifier. It can help naturally remove dangerous heavy metals and chemicals from your body, leaving your healthier on the whole.It can improve endurance – Working out to lose weight? Matcha can actually help you go longer and harder. In fact, studies show matcha tea increased endurance in mice by 30 percent, allowing them to exercise more and for longer.

Match green tea can be a great addition to anyone’s diet – whether you’re looking to lose weight or not. It can improve your overall health and wellness, and it can help you feel better, look better, and live longer.