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David Hockney Postcard: 12 Portraits after Ingres in a Uniform Style (1999-2000)
Book Cover
David Hockney Postcard: 12 Portraits after Ingres in a Uniform Style (1999-2000)
Hockney, David

Price:US $21.00

Publisher: National Gallery, London
Condition:Used: Very Good
Binding: Ephemera
Dust Jacket (if applicable):
Date: 2001

ISBN: (if applicable):

Unmarked. Postcard from the Encounters: New Art from Old exhibition. For this exhibition, each artist in the show responded to a work in the Gallery's collection. This work was conceived using a camera lucida, pencil, crayon and gouache. The original is on 12 sheets of paper, each measuring 22-1/8x15 inches. The drawings are of National Gallery security guards. Measures 9x4.5 inches. (SKU: 33922)

Keywords:Ephemera, British Art, Optical Devices, Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida, Contemporary Art, 20th Century Art, Ephemera, Postcard, Portraiture, Portrait Painting, National Gallery, Art Exhibitions,