Discover the Secret to Ageless Skin: 82X Collagen Power

Koharu Placenta

82X Koharu Placenta extracted from SPF breed pigs of Japan (no pathogens), which help hormonal balance, reduce melasma and freckles, acne treatment and pores shrinking. Also, improve the health, digestive system.

  • - Koharu Placenta is the perfect combination of pure natural ingredients + intelligent breakthrough formula from leading Japanese researchers + modern advanced technology, bringing beautiful radiant skin.
  • - Hormonal balance, improve melasma, freckles: PLACENTA (450,000mg extracted from happy pig breed): Balance female hormones, whiten skin tone, remove pigmentation and freckles; Vitamin E: Helps to whiten skin, improve elasticity
  • - Skin beauty, anti-aging: COLLAGEN PEPTIDE (15,000mg): Stimulates Natural Collagen Production Acid HA & Elastin: Strengthens elastic fibers and moisture in the skin COENZYME Q10 & Grape Germ Extract: Antioxidant Pineapple Extract: Helps create a smooth, healthy skin surface Bird's nest extract: Regenerating cells, preventing oxidation
  • - Health improve: 82 Fermented plants: Reduce bad cholesterol, support weight loss, strengthen the immune system; Vitamins B, C, D: Provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber for the body
  • - Reduce stress, good sleep: 8 kinds of herbal powder: Helps rejuvenate, brighten skin. Good for the digestive system