ISIS Goddess spreading her wings of protection-Hand made with amazing gold leaf

  • Item Description

    Brand: EgyptologyStoreEG.

    Item Description:
    your beautiful protection wings of ISIS goddess of protection and magic to protect you  and your family and your house , you can use it as a candle holder with the amazing gold leaf and Egyptian hand made , special made for you ;)

    Ancient sculpture replica from the original one, 100% Egyptian HAND MADE
    Made from Heavy Stone
    Height: 13 Inches
    Width: 9 Inches
    Depth: 3.5 Inches


    Goddess Isis is one of the greatest Egyptian goddesses. She was the wife and the semi-sister of Osiris. They had a son named Horus. Isis was the goddess of life and magic, so she was able to shield women and children. She also helped sick people by healing them from their sickness. Her symbols were the ankh, her wings, and her throne headdress

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